If you’re reading this, you probably have low back pain, have seen more than one doctor, and still haven’t found an answer.
If your condition was simple, any of the treatments would have worked; BUT, sometimes the problem isn’t simple. You start to worry that you’ll never be pain free again. Will you ever be able to play golf, run, lift weights or just sit without pain again?
Medication, injections and surgery have been recommended, but they have serious side effects and don’t fix the problem.
(read on for the details…)
Let’s first look at some of the causes of low back pain:
- The facets (the parts of the spine that connect to one another) “jam” into each other. Patients often find their back pain is relieved by bringing their knees to their chest and is worsened by prolonged standing or wearing high-heeled shoes.
- Bulging or herniated discs. The discs can push against the spinal nerves or into the spinal canal and cause severe pain to the back or leg. Bending forward and sitting usually increase the pain.
- Uneven functional leg lengths. About 5-10% of us have uneven functional leg lengths causing the spine to wear unevenly. This is nearly always misdiagnosed and leads to chronic pain and “instability.”
- Misalignment of the sacroiliac or lumbar vertebrae is also a common cause of low back pain that is usually mistreated by the medical community.
Of course these aren’t the only causes of back pain, just the more common ones we see in our clinic.
Our center specializes in getting to the bottom of the difficult cases (even those with unsuccessful surgery). We treat the problem, not just the symptoms! Most patients see significant improvement within two weeks.
Call The Office At 805-650-0495 To Schedule An Appointment And Finally Begin The End Of Your Back Pain.
DON’T GIVE UP…Most of our patients have seen two or more doctors before finally being helped at our office.